Health Elizabeth Arden Official Website
United States
Elizabeth Arden (Elizabeth Arden) is a popular cosmetics brand for women around the world, founded in 1960, with a focus on perfume, the main product lines include skincare and maintenance products, color cosmetics...
Health Royal College of Physicians of London
United Kingdom
The Royal College of Physicians of London (RCPL) is an English medical school founded in 1518 by Henry VIII, and crowned in 1674...
Health Gustave Roussy Institute
The Gustave Roussy Institute (Institut Gustave Roussy, abbreviated IGR) is a French non-profit comprehensive cancer research center founded in 1926...
Health Laboratory Group Holdings, Inc.
United States
Laboratory Group Holdings (LabCorp), formed in 1995 by the merger of Roche's clinical laboratories with National Health Laboratories, is the second largest independent clinical laboratory in the United States...
Health Dainippon Sumitomo Pharmaceutical
Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Company is a Japanese pharmaceutical company, formed by the merger of Dainippon Pharma and Sumitomo Pharma in 2005, headquartered...
Health Eisai Corporation
Eisai Corporation (Eisai) Japanese multinational company specializing in research and development of pharmaceutical products, founded in 1941, headquartered in Tokyo, with operations in Asia, the Americas, Europe and other places, in the Shen...