Will Eversharp (Wahl Eversharp)
  • Will Eversharp (Wahl Eversharp)

  • Country: United States
  • Type: Commercial
  • Website: www.wahleversharp.com
  • Update: 05-01

Will Yong Feng (Wahl Eversharp) world famous fountain pen brand, is by Yong Feng pencil company and Wahl Adding machine company in 1912-1917 years merged into, since its inception since the development of twists and turns: in 1929, due to the introduction of the gold seal (GoldSeal) series of personal use of pointed ink pens series of personal use of pointed ink pens and famous, net Sales than the Parker fountain pen is also higher than 25%, creating the first miracle of Will Yongfeng; after that, the company began to go downhill; in 1940, the launch of Will's best-selling Horizon pen (Skyline) and then in the spotlight; in 1947, due to the process of roughness, the production of ballpoint pens were returned and lost; in 1995, Emmanuelle Cataglioni (Emmanuelle Cataglioni), the company's first and foremost leader in the field of ink pens. In 1995, Emmanuel Caltagirone joined the company, determined to reinvent the Horizon series of pens, Will Wingfong only re-emerged.
