Huaxing Online
  • Huaxing Online

  • Country: United States
  • Type: Chinese
  • Website:
  • Update: 05-01

Chinastaronline ( is a well-known Chinese news portal in the U.S. With the purpose of "Listening, Expressing, Serving, Influencing", we are committed to providing Chinese Americans with a full range of news and lifestyle information, which mainly includes local, mainland, real estate, science and technology, culture, literature, military, finance, beauty, food, health, fashion, travel, emotion, entertainment, sports, etc. We also provide information for Chinese Americans to learn more about the Chinese language and its impact on their lives, Its content mainly includes local, mainland, real estate, science and technology, culture, literature, military, finance, beauty, food, health, fashion, tourism, emotion, entertainment, sports and other information.
