Burkhead Corporation
- Country: United States
- Type: Commercial
- Website: www.bechtel.com
- Update: 05-02
Bechtel Corporation is a century-old, family-owned, integrated engineering firm founded in 1898 and headquartered in San Francisco, providing technology, management, and services directly related to the development, financing, design, construction, and operation and installation of a wide range of industries. Berkel's representative projects include the Hoover Dam in the U.S., the Channel Tunnel in England and France, fire suppression in the Kuwaiti oil fields, the Boston Highway Arterial and Tunnel, expansion of the wireless network, the post-war reconstruction in Iraq, the Hong Kong International Airport, disaster assistance for Hurricane Katrina, the Jubilee Industrial City, the cleanup of the nuclear spill at Three Mile Island, the San Francisco subway, and the Qatar International Airport, among many others.