Chinese Online edition of the Canada-China Times
The Chinese Canada Times, a Chinese language newspaper dedicated to Chinese immigrants in Canada and a leader in the quality of printing of foreign Chinese language newspapers, was launched in September 2002...
Chinese unnamed dating site
United States
Unnamed Dating is an American high-caliber Chinese dating site created in Boston in 2003. The site is a serious dating site for matrimonial purposes, and its users are mainly from...
Chinese Canada West Chinese Portal
Calgary Chinese Portal (Calgarychinese) is the largest Chinese forum in Caligarh, Canada, mainly for Chinese people to provide Alberta, Canada, local news, policies, business, immigration ...
Canada is a popular Chinese community for Chinese immigrants in Canada, mainly providing comprehensive network services for Chinese Canadians.
Chinese German-Chinese Network
Germany is a Chinese forum for German Chinese, mainly consisting of portal, forum, group, audio-visual, mutual aid, QQ group, points, ranking and other eight ...
Chinese Canada without worries
Canada Worry Free (51.Canada) is a life information exchange platform for Chinese people in Canada, covering all aspects of Canadian life. In addition to being free of charge, the site also has...