Gov Korea National Tax Service
South Korea
The National Tax Service (NTS) was established in 1966 as one of the independent administrative organizations under the Ministry of Planning and Finance of the Republic of Korea. It is mainly responsible for matters related to the collection, remission and collection of national taxes...
Gov Democratic Party of Japan
The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is the largest opposition party in Japan, and is composed of the former Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Home Affairs Party (HAD), the Friendship New Party (FNP), and the United for Democratic Reform (UDR), four in...
Gov British Home Office
United Kingdom
The Home Office (Home Office) is a British government department, established in 1782, with primary responsibility for immigration control, security and order, managing the UK Border Agency, MI5, Identity and...
Gov United States Department of the Treasury
United States
United States Department of the Treasury (United States Department of the Treasury) A cabinet department of the United States government, established in 1789, whose primary function is to handle the financial affairs of the United States federal...
Gov Chinese Embassy in Jordan
Chinese Embassy in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN) Related letters...
Gov Iranian leader
This website is the official website of The Office of the Supreme Leader (The Office of the Supreme Leader), which mainly provides a brief introduction to the Leader of Iran, current political news, and the latest developments of the Leader, etc. The website...