Games Visceral Games
United States
Visceral Games (Visceral Games) is an American game development company founded in 1998 and headquartered in Redwood City, California, and is now a game studio under the umbrella of EEG, working...
Games Machine Games
MachineGames is a Swedish video game developer founded in 2009 and headquartered in Uppsala, now part of ZeniMax Media, with titles including Wolfenstein...
Games Pokemon GO
Pokémon GO is a mobile platform AR game developed by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic, Inc. and released in 2016.
Games The Sims.
United States
The Sims is a game from the world-famous gaming company, EA, that allows players to create their own families and control the lives of their members.
Games Lift London
United Kingdom
Lift London is a game developer founded in 2012 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom, as part of the EMEA division of Microsoft Studios, which develops tablet and mobile games.
Games TroChoiViet
TroChoiViet is a popular online gaming site in Vietnam, featuring hundreds of different types of online and standalone games such as action, sports, puzzles, and more.