Movies Jerry Bruckheimer Films
United States
Jerry Bruckheimer Films is an American film company founded by Jerry Bruckheimer and involved in the film...
Movies American Beauty.
United States
American Beauty; a.k.a. American Beauty is a movie directed by Sam Mendes and featuring Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening...
Movies Toho Corporation
Toho Company is a Japanese film company founded in 1932 as Tokyo Takarazuka Theater Company, headquartered in Tokyo, and...
Movies Metacritic Movie Reviews
United States
Metacritic is an American professional movie review website created in 1999 and acquired by CNET in 2005. The site specializes in collecting reviews of movies, television shows, music albums, game...
Movies France Télévisions Internationales 5
France Télévision Internationale 5 (TV5Monde) is one of the world's largest international media outlets, launched in 1984 and based in Paris, France. TV5 Monde is a global French...
Movies Television New Zealand_TVNZ
New Zealand
Television New Zealand (abbreviated as TVNZ) is a state-owned television network in New Zealand, with channels such as TV1 and TV2, mainly broadcasting news, film...