Sports Philadelphia Union Soccer Club
United States
Philadelphia Union Soccer Club (Philadelphia Union) is a Major League Soccer Eastern Conference team founded in 2008 and became the 16th MLS franchise in 2010, with a home...
Sports Arena_Arena
Arena (Arena) is a world-famous swimwear brand, founded in 1973, mainly produces swimsuits, sportswear, goggles, swim caps and other products for competitive, training and leisure sports.
Sports Vicenza Football Club
Vicenza Calcio is an Italian professional soccer club founded in 1902 in Vicenza, now competing in the Italian Football League B....
Sports Detroit Lions
United States
The Detroit Lions (Detroit Lions) are a professional football team in the NFL National Football Conference North (NFC North), formerly known as the Portsmouth Spartans, founded...
Sports Brooklyn Nets
United States
The Brooklyn Nets are a team in the Atlantic Division of the NBA's Eastern Conference, the original New Jersey Nets (2012 name change). The team was founded in 1967,...
Sports International Polo Federation
United States
The Federation of International Polo (abbreviated FIP) is an international sports organization founded in 1983 and currently headquartered in California...