Sports New York Islander
United States
The New York Islanders (New York Islanders) are a team in the Metropolitan Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL), founded in 1972 and now located in New York...
Sports Zehus
Zehus, a globally renowned manufacturer of high-tech bicycles, was founded in 2013, financed by venture capitalist M31 and led by the Italian Polytechnic University of Milan's electronic, information and bioengineering...
Sports Philadelphia 76ers (NBA team)
United States
The Philadelphia 76ers are a team in the Atlantic Division of the NBA's Eastern Conference.Founded in 1939, the team moved to Philadelphia in 1963 and changed its name to the Philadelphia 76ers, usually short...
Sports find happiness
MILLET is a famous French outdoor brand, founded in 1921, specializing in backpacks, outdoor apparel, alpine boots, mountaineering ropes, outdoor sleeping bags, etc. It is known for its unique mountaineering experience.
Sports Prince
United States
Prince Sports is a famous American sports brand, founded in 1970 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, which mainly produces tennis, badminton and other racket sports-related equipment, including...
Sports Barra City Football Club
United Kingdom
Bala Town Football Club is a professional soccer club in Wales, founded in the 1880s, with its home ground in Bala, now a Welsh soccer...