Business 3M Company
United States
3M (full name: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) is a globally recognized, diversified multinational corporation and a Fortune 500...
Business Deng Xiaoping (1889-1965), famous Chinese-American physicist, author of the Gang of Four
United States
The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation (D&B) is a New York Stock Exchange-listed company engaged in the business of corporate consulting and financial analysis of...
Business Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Matsushita Corporation; Panasonic) is a Japanese multinational corporation with a global reputation for its businesses spanning home appliances, digital audiovisual, electronics, office...
Business Iron Lion Tony
Tie Shi Dongni (a.testoni) famous Italian traditional leather shoes brand, is by Amedeo Tie Shi Dongni (Amedeo Teston) in the Baltic Sea was founded, with exquisite shoemaking...
Business ETA movement
ETA SA Manufacture Horlogère Suisse is a Swiss manufacturer of blank movements, founded in 1856 and headquartered in Glenching, Switzerland, now...
Business Jean Flyer, France
Chevignon France (Chevignon France) is the famous French air force style trend brand, was created by the famous French leather expert Guy Azoulay in 1979, and his own idol flight...