Other FatherNet
United States
Fathers.com is a coaching website dedicated to helping fathers in their role as fathers, and was developed by the National Center for Father...
Other Windows (computer)
United States
Windows is a windowed operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation in the United States, introduced in 1985, initially only commanded the desktop environment under the operating system DOS, and then gradually developed into a personal...
Other South by Southwest Conference SXSW
United States
South by Southwest (SXSW) is a series of film and music-related festivals and conferences in the United States, held annually in Austin, Texas since 1987.
Other ATV
abbr. for Bosnia-Herzegovina
ATV is a very influential TV station in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It mainly provides a schedule of programs, previews of program content, online videos and other kinds of comprehensive content. The content of the site is kept in line with the TV program...
Other Kalikova Associates
Kalikova & Associates, the best law firm in Kyrgyzstan, was established in 2002 to work on legal cases in the commercial field, the main...
Other Korea Sai me.com
South Korea
Cyworld is Korea's largest community website, which provides a wired and wireless interconnected communication platform as its core, offering diaries, photo albums, and more to a wide range of online and mobile users...