Website Library
Art New National Museum of Art, Japan
The National Art Center, Tokyo (国立新美术館, Tokyo) is a Japanese art museum established in 2007 and located in Tokyo, making it the largest museum in Japan in terms of area...
Autos Mack Trucks
United States
Mack Trucks is an American manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, founded in 1900 and headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, which was acquired by the Swedish Regal Group in 2001.
Culture Harvard University Library
United States
Harvard University Library (Harvard University Library) is the world's largest university library and private library, established in 1638, consisting of 90 libraries with collections...
Edu Hanoi National University, Viet Nam
Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU, Hanoi) is a national university in Vietnam, founded in 1945, located in the capital city of Hanoi, and is one of the finest universities in the...
Edu University of Granada
The University of Granada (Universidad de Granada) is a Spanish public university located in Granada, with a history dating back to 1531, and a member of the Coimbra Group.
Business Joda Aerospace Group
ZODIAC AEROSPACE is a leading French manufacturer of aeronautical equipment and systems, founded in 1896 and headquartered in France, with a strong presence in commercial aircraft, business jets,...