Website Library

Whitney Museum of American Art

Art Whitney Museum of American Art

United States

The Whitney Museum of American Art is a leading American art museum founded in 1931 by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney...

Viscom Inc.

Business Viscom Inc.


Viscom is a German manufacturer of high-performance inspection equipment, founded in 1984 and headquartered in Hanover, which produces automatic optical inspection (AOI), automatic X-ray inspection (AXI)...

Kitakyushu City University

Edu Kitakyushu City University


Kitakyushu City University (The University of Kitakyushu; abbreviated as Kita-Kyushu University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 1950, located in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, with 5...

Hanul Daily, a Korean national newspaper

News Hanul Daily, a Korean national newspaper

South Korea

The Hankyoreh (한겨레신문; The Hankyoreh) is one of South Korea's major newspapers, founded in 1988, headquartered in Seoul, and distributed mainly in Korean. The official website of The Hankyoreh ...

Polydor Records_Polydor

Music Polydor Records_Polydor

United Kingdom

Polydor Records is a British record label founded in 1924 and affiliated with Universal Records, whose artists include Cheryl Cole, Ellie...

j brand jeans

Shopping j brand jeans

United States

j brand famous fashion jeans brand, by by doing denim business Jeff Rudes and stylist Susie Crippen co-founded, its jeans to its sexy, stylish, comfortable and other special...

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