Website Library
Business Hanwha Group
South Korea
Hanwha Group (한화, Hanwha) is a large South Korean conglomerate, a Fortune 500 company, founded in 1952 and headquartered in Seoul. Hanwha Group is involved in construction, energy,...
News Lorraine Republic, France
Le Republicain Lorrain (Lorrain, France) belongs to the local French newspaper in Metz, France, close to life, close to the public, the report of the timeliness and readability of the organic...
Edu Korea Aerospace University
South Korea
Korea Aerospace University (KAU) is the only university in Korea that specializes in the field of aerospace and is dedicated to the cultivation of aerospace professionals. Korea Aerospace University,...
Edu Kristianstad University
Kristianstad University College (Högskolan i Kristianstad), founded in 1977, is a university college in Kristianstad, Sweden. The...
Business American Family Life Insurance Company
United States
Although based in the United States, American Family Life Insurance Company (AFLAC) has its largest market in Japan, having been founded in 1955.
Business Pond's (brand of skin care products)
United States
Pond's is a famous skincare brand, a subsidiary of Unilever, founded in 1846. Pond's main products include BB creams, cleansers, makeup removers, face...