Star Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber (Justin Bieber) was born in Canada in 1994, became famous on Youtube, has a large number of teenage fans around the world, and is now the world's most...
Star Kate Dellings.
United States
Kate Dennings (Kat Dennings; real name: Katherine Litwack) is a famous American actress, born on June 13, 1986, in 2000, for her guest starring role in the popular American TV series "...
Star LeBron James
United States
LeBron Raymone James is a famous American professional basketball player, alias "King James" (King James), "LB...
Star Lee Jong-seok (1927-), South Korean actor
South Korea
Lee Jong Suk (Korean: 이종석; English: Lee JongSuk) is a famous South Korean actor and model, born in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, on September 14, 1989; at the age of 16, he appeared on the Seoul Collect...
Star Scarlett Johansson (1958-), US pop singer
United States
Scarlett Johansson (斯嘉丽-约翰逊) is a famous American movie star, born on November 22, 1984 in New York City, represented by "Her", "Lost in Tokyo", "Dai...