Star Kim So-hyun (1967-), South Korean actress
South Korea
Kim So Hyun (김소현; Kim So Hyun) is a South Korean new-generation child actress born on June 4, 1999 in Australia; she debuted in 2007 with "The Legendary Hometown" and later appeared in...
Star Meryl Streep.
United States
Meryl Streep is a Hollywood superstar, born on June 22, 1949, a graduate of Yale University, and affiliated with MGM Studios, whose representative works...
Star Manny Pacquiao
Manny Pacquiao; alias: Pac Man / The Destroyer) is a famous boxer who has won the World Championship gold belt twice, and whose main sport...
Star Andy Warhol
United States
Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol) famous American photographer, director, artist, rock and roll composer, publisher, etc., one of the most famous figures in the art world in the 20th century, is...
Star Hiromi Ryoko (1954-), Japanese manga artist and actress
Ryoko Hiroba (広末凉子) is a famous Japanese actress and singer, born on July 18, 1980, whose representative works include Secret, Embalmer, The Way to Steal the Key, Summer of...
Star Patrick Wilson
United States
Patrick Wilson is a famous American actor, who was born on July 3, 1973 and graduated from the prestigious school Carnegie Mellon University. His representative...